Subject Firebird 1.5 server setup
Author Riaan Nagel

I've just tried to install Firebird 1.5 RC5 superserver on Windows
XP. I followed the instructions in the release notes draft (unzip,
run instreg, run instsvc), but I've experienced a few problems:

Firstly, when using the new -login switch in instsvc I had quite a
few problems:
* Windows NT Error 997 (I believe that means "Overlapped IO
operation in progress.") when I try to start or stop the server
(even when I try to stop the server when it's already stopped...)
* Then, at other times, "instsvc start" would just hang
* When I try to start the guardian using the
windows "Services" utility, the service exits immediately,
reporting "The registry information is missing.Please run the
Firebird Configuration Utilit the server thread. errno : 6."

All of these problems just suddenly disappear when I use LocalSystem
to install the services. I noticed that "Interact with desktop" is
activated by default, which, to me, might indicate that there is
some dependency on interacting with the desktop (which you, for
instance, would need to open a registry key read-write).

There seems to be some corruption of the Windows Event Logged
message strings. The previous error message I reported is my first
example ("Utilit" seems to be incomplete and what does "the server
thread. errno : 6" mean?). Also, the guardian starting message now
reads (except for the blah at the beginning indicating that
Firebird's message table is not properly configured):
"Server Started: Guardian starting: C:\program files\firebird
1.5\bin\fbserver.exeÌ"." Once again, observe the apparently random
characters at the end of the message.

Actually it looks as if the the message logged to the Firebird log
beforehand got tangled up with it, since the log entries at the same
time as the "Utilit" Event Log messages looked like:

RIAANN (Client) Thu Aug 14 10:08:11 2003
C:\program files\firebird 1.5\bin\fbserver.exe : The
guardian was unable to launch the server thread. errno : 6

As for the rest, the product looks great! Keep up the good work,
