Subject RE: [firebird-support] Digest Number 1619
Author Pablo Lerner
First: thanks for answering.
Yes, I didn't define the charset when I created the databsae, but isn't this
way suppose to make the database accept any character ? And if I define a
specific field to a specific charset, shouldn't it work ?
And besides the definition I gave, isn't a database engine supose to allow
updates and deletes of any data wich where allow to be inserted ? How come I
can insert a character in a VARCHAR field but I can't perform updates or
deletes over it? What could I have done to achive such a behavior of the
engine ?

About the connection, I don't know how to define the charset within it. Do
you know how can I accomplish that using Visual Fox Pro Views through a File
DSN ? Would "SET NAME" help ?


Message: 13
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 21:40:55 +0200
From: Walter Neumann <walter@...>
Subject: Re: Character Set Madness

Hallo Pablo,
you have to define the characterset, when you create a database. And you
define the same characterset in your connection. If not, then you receive
this error message.


Am Dienstag, 22. Juli 2003 22:18 schrieb Pablo Lerner:
> Hello.
> I'm working with Spanish writing users who write characters like ñ,Ñ,á or
> and every charset I try doesn't work, even the WINxxxx one's, ASCII and
> UNICODE. The problem is that the server doesn't accept these characters
> ("Cannot transliterate characters between character sets"). Well, it
> accepts characters when they are inserted from a Fox Pro application, but
> it doesn't allow an update or delete of them later on, wich drives me
> crazy! how come the server does that ?
> For now, I just need if anyone can sugest me wich charset may work for
> spanish characters ?
> I've read the DataDefinition guide for Interbase 6.0 but I doesn't say
> which is the character table each set uses, and I don't know wich might
> work.
> I'm Using Firebird 1.02 and the client is written in VFP 7. Client run
> W98 and server over WINNT. Also, the field I'm using for testing is
> referenced by some triggers. Could these have a negative impact on the
> test, each time I alter the field modifying the charset ?
> Thanks in advance...
> Pablo
> PS: was this letter well written or Tarzan written ?
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