Subject XP and slow Interbase
Author Peter Reber

I have some separate networks where I installed Interbase to run an
One of the machines, P4 1.7HGz, XP pro, 256k RAM runs fine, except for the
Interbase dependent programs which take forever to load and open files, 40
seconds or more. Speed is about one fifth, or worse, when compared to other
network systems using an identical XP machine. In fact, a 500MHz Celeron
with 64k RAM and W98 is faster and takes about 8 seconds.

There is no virus checker running, Messenger unloaded.
No other applications running.
System restore disabled.

BIOS set to Top performance, but i also tried defaults, optimised defaults.
Hosts file has an entry to "localhost" with correct TCP/IP address.
No firewalls.
The machine has no modem, TCP/IP is exclusively (I think) used for
communication between application and Interbase.

To get some comparative figures I used winzip to zip some data/programs. In
that case the P4 far outstrips the 500Mhz Cel as I would expect. From that I
also conclude that it has something to do with the TCP/IP connection.

Any ideas, suggestions?