Subject Re: [ib-support] Online help
Author Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Jonas,

> Are there an online help anywhere?

Depends what you mean by "online". If you mean "browsable help on the
Web", the answer is no. If you mean something like a Windows or KDE
help file, the answer is also no.

If you mean: available on the Internet for download, the answer is:
yes, tons of it!

A good place to start is - follow the link to "Main
Downloads" and get the Firebird Quick Start Guide.

Also click on "Interbase Documentation Sets". This will take you to
the bottom of that same long page, where you can download all the
Borland docs. 95% of what's in there still holds for Firebird.

And there's a lot more documentation to be found on the IBPhoenix

In the future there will also be Firebird docs to replace the Borland
ones; these will be available in PDF, HTML and maybe other formats.
But the process of creating these has just (re)started, so don't hold
your breath :-)

Hope this helps,
Paul Vinkenoog