Subject Re: [ib-support] Re: just if you are curious
Author Arno Brinkman
Hi Roberto,

> sorry but I dont' have the FecthAll method on TIBSQL (latest version from
> Jeff Overcash IBX 5.04),
> I had take a look to the class, but nothing of similar at fetchall I have

while not(IBSQL1.EOF) do

The prepare-time of FB1.5 is a little bit slower, because it evaluates many
more options for the optimal retrieval that should be used, but therefore no
more "worse" PLANs. Inside IB7.0 you will still see "worse" PLANs.


> > Run your test again with a adding a line :
> >
> > > for I := 1 to 1000 do // Iterate
> > > begin
> > > sql := randomSQL;
> > > Memo1.Lines.add(sql);
> > > IBTransaction1.StartTransaction;
> > > IBSQL1.SQL.Clear;
> > > IBSQL1.SQL.Add(Double39(sql));
> > > IBSQL1.Prepare;
> > > IBSQL1.ExecQuery;
> > IBSQL1.FetchAll; <=======
> > > IBTransaction1.Commit;
> > >
> > > end; // for
> >
> > Regards,
> > Arno