Subject Re: charset question
Author peter_jacobi.rm
Hi James,

--- In, James <james_027@t...> wrote:
> I using NJ Star Communicator to input/view chinese character.
> Everthing works fine under english windows enviroment until one day the
> excel file produce by the application can not be very correctly under
> chinese windows. The chinese characters where like garbage characters
> instead. Why? Has the charset has something to do with this?

I'd suggest you either throw out "NJ Star Communicator" or
always deliver with it. This software does charset autodetection
and will effectively hide any charset problem, until you
move your app to system without.

So, assuming you are planning to target plain Windows without
"NJ Star Comm", you should de-install (wait a minute, see below)
and instead install the correct Chinese locale on your system
(W2K or XP required).

The last thing what NJSC can do for you for de-installing:
Can you ask the software which charset it has detected in
the data?

Peter Jacobi