Subject Re: [firebird-support] Conversion Utilities from Access
Author Jacob Alberty
moscow@... wrote:

> Hi, Martijn
> That wasn't really a criticism of the product, but it seems to have been
> because of the options I selected halfway through the process. If no
> options selected, no worries. I'll try and check out which one(s) were
> causing the error. (same error BTW on either ODBC or ADO)
> There was another problem, though, which probably ought to be addressed:
> if I just take the structures, without indexes etc, it failed wherever
> there was a Memo field in the Access table - it was trying to create
> varchar(1073741823) each time. Any table without that was created without
> problems. I modified the generated script to make those memo fields
> varchar(4000) - which in my case was quite large enough - and the .sql
> file was quite happy to create a table.

perhaps those oughta be text blobs....

> I'll get back to you, though it may be a couple of days - things are
> hectic at present.
> Terry Riley
> ----------Original Message---------
> > Hi Terry,
> >
> > > I'm trying to find a utility (that works) for converting Access97 or
> > > Access2000 mdb files into FB1.5 fdbs.
> > >
> > > The sql2gdb utility seems to work converting to FB1.03, but loses
> > > almost
> > > everything, especially FK constraints (except the data and indeces)
> > > when
> > > converting to FB1.5.
> > >
> > > I also have the trial version of dbworkbench, but that gives me a
> > > 'Operation not supported' if I try to move an ODBC (mdb) datasource
> > > to FB.
> >
> > What about ADO? Either way - I would be interested in a
> > copy of your database, to check where things go wrong.
> >
> > With regards,
> >
> > Martijn Tonies
> > Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL & MS
> > SQL
> > Server.
> > Upscene Productions
> >
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