Subject Re: [firebird-support] Win32 10054 error, Firebird-Linux, clients-Windows
Author Elena Schwanová
So you are talking about client machines here, not the server. That's not
so bad. When clients crash the application, they will only lose their own
data. Data stored in the database won't be affected...*except* do please
check whether you have forced writes on or off. You inherited an
ex-InterBase database and IB 6 by default creates databases with FW
off. You are a little safer with this because your db server is Linux, but
if you have clients crashing a lot, it's going to be a lot safer with FW on.

Use the isql tool to log in to the database as owner or sysdba, and type
The FW setting should appear near the bottom of the output.

If you find Forced Writes is off, come back here and someone will tell you
how to set it on.

>Thank you for your help, I will try some different version of client and
>I will see if it solves the problem.

Use the client that matches the version and date of the server executable
and root out those rogue versions of gds32.dll on the workstation hard

The name of the server executable is ibserver (if you are using
Superserver) or ib_inet_server (if you are using Classic). You should find
them in /opt/Firebird/bin. To find out whether the server is Classic or
SS, do a
ps -aux | grep ib
from a Linux shell.


Dear heLen,

thanks a lot, I've found that the firebird server was installed from this
file: FirebirdSS-, but I tried to find the proper client
and wasn't successful. On there are a lot of
files but non is described as a client for the FirebirdSS-1.0.2. Is it
I have tried to install a different client (IBWin32ClientSetup.EXE), it's
from another town in our country where they use the same application with
Firebird on Linux and Windows clients and it works. But it didn't help, the
error is the same, after some delay the programe announces the error win32
10054 and ends in cycling error.
Do I understand well that before installing the new client I shall delete
the file c:\Windows\System\gds32.dll ?
I used IB Expert to find out in the database properties that the the forced
writes are "on".


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