Subject Re: [ib-support] affected rows with c api
Author Geert Bevin
Thanks a lot for all this info.

Paul Reeves wrote:
> Geert Bevin wrote:
>>Thanks for the link ... the code seems to work, but are there any
>>details about what it does in the docs?
> No, this is more or less undocumented.
>>Since it seems to iterate of
>>results and calculating deltas to obtain the final value. Why is it done
>>this way?
> If you look at the .h file you will see that there are private member
> variables for the deltas and the current values. It just stores the
> deltas from the previous operation, that's all.
>>Why does it have to iterate?
> It iterates because the result buffer is an array holding blocks of data
> like this:
> info type 1 byte
> info block
> ...
> Each block will store its size in the first two bytes and the contents
> of the remainder of the block will depend upon the type of data.
> If the info type is 'isc_info_sql_records' the data is stored like this
> operation type 1 byte (update, delete etc).
> operations 4 bytes (number of updates etc).
> So, two sets of iterations are needed in order to unpack all the data.
> You can see from the example link I gave you that the method in question
> also detects the statement type. You can see the other possible values
> that can be passed to isc_dsql_sql_info by looking at the appropriate
> section of ibase.h. (Although I must confess I haven't tried any of the
> others.)
> Paul

Geert Bevin Uwyn
"Use what you need" Lambermontlaan 148 1030 Brussels
gbevin@... Tel & Fax +32 2 245 41 06