Subject affected rows with c api
Author Geert Bevin

I'm accessing Firebird with the native C api and am trying to obtain the
affected rows of an update/insert/delete query. I've searched the web
and the api and read some code. I think I have a good idea what I should
do but not exactly how.

I think I need to call the isc_dsql_sql_info() function by providing
isc_info_sql_records in the type array. However I can nowhere find an
indication about the size to which the result buffer should be set and
how to obtain the results themselves from the buffer. The api user guide
only contains an example to obtain the statement type and very quickly
mentiones that other information can be obtained. I can't however seem
to find any details about that other information.

Does someone know how to do this?

Thanks for the help,


Geert Bevin Uwyn
"Use what you need" Lambermontlaan 148 1030 Brussels
gbevin@... Tel & Fax +32 2 245 41 06