Subject Re: [ib-support] Please help. View is empty, but the same SELECT works!
Author Andrew Guts
Svein Erling Tysvaer wrote:

>Exactly what is "body of that view" in this particular case?
I mean the select part of view definition:

This is an empty view:

create view vDepResources
(DepID, Descr, TotalIn, TotalOut) as
select d.DepID,
cast(d.Bank||' '||d.AccountNo as varchar(64)) as Descr,
(select sum( from pays p where p.dstid = d.subjid and
p.depid = d.depid)
as float) as TotalIn,
(select sum( from pays p where p.srcid = d.subjid and
p.depid = d.depid)
as float) as TotalOut
from DepRights r
inner join departments d on r.DepID = d.DepID
inner join employees e on r.SubjID = e.SubjID and e.Login = USER

And this "SELECT" returns data:

create view vDepResources
(DepID, Descr, TotalIn, TotalOut) as
select d.DepID,
cast(d.Bank||' '||d.AccountNo as varchar(64)) as Descr,
(select sum( from pays p where p.dstid = d.subjid and
p.depid = d.depid)
as float) as TotalIn,
(select sum( from pays p where p.srcid = d.subjid and
p.depid = d.depid)
as float) as TotalOut
from DepRights r
inner join departments d on r.DepID = d.DepID
inner join employees e on r.SubjID = e.SubjID and e.Login = USER

BTW: last join has no effect on empty view.