Subject Re: [ib-support] firebird on linux users?
Author Jason Wharton
> It would be nice to make a freeware (not GPL if the author doesn't want)
> version of it for Linux when IBObjects are available for Kylix (I am not
> whether they are or not). Anyway, it's out of my hands (it's on Martin's,
> can count on me when he decides to make it ;-)

IBO-Kylix has been ready for use for some time. I have not put the
"production" stamp of approval on it yet but many are using it without
complaint (other than a few nits). I have yet to do all the visual controls
so it is only for the non-visual side of things.

Send an email to me for getting access to it.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

-- We may not have it all together --
-- But together we have it all --