Subject Corrupted DB
Author mivi71dk

I have a machine running Windows 2000 with Firebird 1.0 (794)
installed (768 Mb of RAM, dual CPU).
On another machine in my network I have installed Windows 2000 with a
Microsoft Terminal server (MTS) on (1 Gb RAM, 1 CPU).
On this MTS there will usually be 12 clients attached at the same
Besides those 12 clients, there are 5 clients attached via our LAN.
On MTS the IB/Firebird Client version is (Version of gds32.dll)
I Will upgrade all my local clients today or tomorrow if they do not
use the same client ! But I am pretty convinced, that they all use
the same client version.

On both servers I have installed Norton AntoVirus Coorp. edition, but
this has been totally DISBALED !

ALL my client uses this connection string:


All clients uses 3 programs.
The first program (used most) connects thruogh Borland BDE (newest
The 2 and 3 program uses TIB comp. from borland (version 5.03).

All servers in my network are installed with EVERY update available
to software, drivers and hardware.

For the last 8 days I get my DB corrupted every second day.
I do not lose any data, but I have to do a Backup - Restore to get it
to work again.

Before I do a backup I always takes a copy of my DB.
If I do a GStat I get this:

My Oldest Transaction is ALWAYS some 20000+ (somewhere between 20000
and 21500) lower than Oldest Active, which is either the same as next
transaction or just 5 - 20 below.
Usually I don't get values as high as below. Usually there are OT:
3500, OAT: 24000 and NT: 24005 i.e.

Exampel below:

Database header page information:
Flags 0
Checksum 12345
Generation 169419
Page size 4096
ODS version 10.0
Oldest transaction 145540
Oldest active 169403
Oldest snapshot 169403
Next transaction 169408
Bumped transaction 1
Sequence number 0
Next attachment ID 0
Implementation ID 16
Shadow count 0
Page buffers 0
Next header page 0
Database dialect 1
Creation date May 26, 2002 20:01:56

Variable header data:
Sweep interval: 20000

The sometimes I can do a validation from AdminTool.Exe.
But not always. Sometimes I get an error when connecting to the DB.
When I can do a validation I usually get a message like:

Database - e:\ibdata\occeasypos.gdb
Summary of validation errors

Number of record level errors : 6

Now the next thing I will try is to DISABLE my sweep function.
I will then run a manually GFix every night at 4.

Could ANY of you have ANY idea of what else to do ?
If I can't solve this problem with Firebird I will try to see if IB
version will fix this problem !
All though I like the idea and concept of firebird.