Subject Re: [ib-support] Future API-Compatibilty between Firebird and IB?
> But then will be able to use the IBX components? Let's not get all bitter and
> twisted about Borland. I'm trying to write a program with IBX / Interbase on my
> machine, my colleague is running an app that integrates my code on a machine
> running Firebird, and we would like to be able to offer Firebird to customers,
> or Interbase if they want paid support.

Not so much 'Bitter and Twisted' as 'P****d o**' with
Borland. I wasted a year trying to get IB5.6 and BDE
actually working, based on the reports of how good IB4 was.
I also spent a lot of MY money with them to get their 'help'
to fix the problems.

Then I switched to IBO and the early IB6 and EVERTHING

I am one person who has 'done my time' with Borland, and now
I am more than happy with the alternative, and I think MUCH
more professional products.

That said, I STILL use Dialect 1 and have nothing in my
application that should stop it running with IB6.5, but a
customer would have to give me a very good reason to go that
root - I still have 30 IB5.6 licences on the shelf and I am
not going to infilict them on customers <g>....

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services