Subject Ibserver crash on linux
Author Henry FRANQUET
I have an Client Server application in Delphi 5 with the BDE which is
running for some years with Interbase on Windows( about 50 installations
running) . I have installed linux and IB6.0.1.6 SS rpm on a server and
try running with the same client part of the application.
ibserver crashes when the load increase. With Interbase on windows NT or
Win2000 server, up to 40 clients connects without problems

When on server linux, in the same time I start three client, I have the
message to the linux console :
error while listening for an incoming connection
address already in use
interbase.log just says "ibserver terminated abnormally (-1)"
I have no problem when clients connect each after the other

linux version is Mandrake 7.2 but I have equivalent probleme with RedHat
/etc/hosts.equiv have a line with localhost
/etc/services have a line with gds_db 3050/tcp
I use the default isc_config with nothing in it
I use UDF (freeudflib for delphi I have modified to eliminate windows
api and to use free it when returning a string and recompiled with
Kylix), but when enabling debug mode in udf, there is no use of udf
before the crash occurs
I have had another message in interbase.log :
inet-error errno = 32
segmentation fault
the code attempt to access memory without privilege to do so
and I think I have a problem with a function in the udf
but it doesn't occurs when starting the application

there is no swapping

when I look ar the process, I have 3 process named ibserver when I start
ibserver and 7 when the clients are connected. Sometimes up to 3 more
process which disappear with <defunct>

Does anybody help ?
