Subject gds32.dll Access Violation - all clients
Author Kevin Stanton

Could anyone shed some light on what could've happened:
I got a call yesterday from my largest client (about 20 users running my
All of a sudden, everyone started getting a AV in GDS32.dll (I believe is
what they told me).

This is what their log file reports:

PDC01 (Server) Thu Aug 16 15:43:19 2001
I/O error for file "D:\IBDATA~1\LUMBER\LUMBER.GDB"
Error while trying to read from file
The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a
portion of the file.
internal gds software consistency check (error during savepoint backout

How can I find out what 'process' has locked a portion of the .gdb? This
was in the middle of the day around 1:30 PM.

Any clues will be GREATLY appreciated.
