Subject Re: [firebird-php] Zend Framework
Author Lester Caine
Tom Conlon wrote:
>> > Anybody ACTUALLY using the Zend framework, other than because someone else
>> > thought it was a good idea?

> Yes, using it here but use ibase_query() type functions for db acess.
> Tom

Well I rolled back to PHP5.3.10 with Apache2.4.1 but with the same problem on
the Zend based site. Everything else is running fine, and I DID get as far as
tracing the Zend_DB through to downloading data from Firebird on the PHP5.4 setup.

CURRENTLY ... piwik is running one Apache2.2.15/PHP5.3.8 but giving me the same
seg fault with Apache2.2.17/PHP5.3.10 so I'm installing PHP5.3.8 onto my local
development machine to see what that does!

And before anybody says ... this is the firebird port of piwik I'm trying to get
working on a newer Apache/PHP setup!

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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