Subject Re: [firebird-php] PDO driver
Author Andre van Zuydam
I've run the PDO tests on firebird, there is much that still doesn't
work. In my opinion I would not use Firebird PDO for production things
as of yet.

I think we should create a metadata sample for Firebird, which anyone
can download, with populated data to enable testing of different

I would be happy to make the database metadata, so I am calling for some
ideas as to what should be in the database.

Some of the obvious things - but will have to be elaborated on

* Different Numeric Types
* Computed Fields
* Views
* Generators
* Stored Procedures
* BLOBS - different types ?

Let me know your thoughts.

Lester Caine wrote:
> Is anybody actually USING PDO with firebird. phpgedview has stripped the
> PEAR:DB layer ( and with it my port to ADOdb ) and just left it with PDO.
> I've restructured the installation process so that I can build the new
> database, but I can't get things running because of problems with
> 'fetch' crashing things. I'd posted a query to php-general, which I
> though was giving an error, but that was just finger trouble. Now that I
> know waht *I* was doing wrong, I need to recheck things, but basically
> the query was causing PDO:firebird to crash when fetching the results -
> when there were more than one UNION in the query, and only returning one
> result even with two unions.
> On a slight aside ... I'm so used to ADOdb simply pushing out the errors
> as they happen, PDO's seg faults are becoming somewhat anoying. I'm sure
> that there is something I am doing wrong with the try/catch stuff which
> is handled automatically in ADOdb? Any suggestions as to how to get PDO
> to be a little more stable after errors?
> --
> Lester Caine - G8HFL
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