Subject RE: [firebird-php] Jumping in the wagon
Author Alan McDonald
> Yep, but as I said on my message, I have no knowledge to look at some
> piece of code and make a conclusion about it quality.
> When I look and RoR I thought, "hummm.. this looks good", but when I
> tried to do my first tests I hated the coding standards used
> (and forced
> to be used), I dig down the code, change something here and there to
> adhere to *my* coding standards, but anyway that does not fit well.
> > What ever we suggest will probably not be right for you,
> but I'm more than
> > happy with what is running my websites and commercial
> systems, and PHPEclipse
> > to actually develop the new code.
> >
> >
> I know that "one size does not fit all", what I am asking is more a
> guide about if the adoption of a framework is a good decision for a
> start, and if so, what frameworks did you used (or analyzed)
> along the
> years. To my eyes everything I had looked at looks to fit :-)
> You experienced PHP coders could say something like:
> "You can choose any mainstream framework, it will help you on
> the first
> steps, but you will need to do a lot of customization when
> your project
> becomes something that could be called a "real project", so don't
> bother, choose anything that the website looks good and move along"
> thanks...
> see you !

Well - you asked for it...
I don't use a framework and likely never will.
But I came from many years of web dev when there was no such thing as
I rely on my javascript, I'm not frightened of mixing presentation with
logic (in fact, it's my preference) and no matter how hard you try there are
many places where, to avoid it, is too costly, and I'm happy with my PHP.
I use a couple of data abstraction layer and presentation files (ezSQL)
which means no page I deliver ever requires my webserver to read, filter and
execute more than about 30K of script versus many bloatware alternatives
which demand the webserver read well over 500K each time it delivers a page.
This is unacceptable to me no matter how good my hardware is.
IMHO, the web environment is a different environment to delphi, I see many
people who are very experienced delphi developers but they cannot even
contemplate doing web work unless it's via a delphi written ISAPI dll
filter... I consider this sad. Webservers have always been optimised for
scripting. The engines are really fantastic and have had many good hours
spent on optimising their performance, so in my opinion, take advantage of
all that stuff to the max.
Sorry if you disagree.