Subject Re: Embedded server documentation
Author rmraya
--- In, Roman Rokytskyy <roman@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> > I would like to embed Firebird in a Java application that runs on
> > Windows (XP/Vista/7),
> Ok for XP and Vista, did not test on Windows 7, but should work also ok.
> > Linux (i386/amd64)
> on amd64 only in 32-bit mode - the 64-bit version has some issues with
> events which are not yet fixed. That means you need to use 32-bit JRE.
> > and Mac OS X
> > (10.4/10.5/10.6).
> There is an open ticket which applies on Mac OS X on PPC (big-endian),
> but it should not be relevant in embedded mode and should not be
> relevant for x86 platform.
> But! you will need to build JNI part from the sources - we do not
> release binaries for this platform.
> > I would appreciate if you point me to the relevant documentation (I've
> > been running in circles with Google and Firebird web site).
> Basically, all you need is in release notes. Also you can check here:
> The steps are simple:
> 1. use appropriate URL
> 2. unzip the Firebird distro
> 3. set the FIREBIRD env. variable to point to distro
> 4. put jaybird2x.dll/so in java.library.path (%PATH% on Windows,
> $LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux)
> 5. Start application.
> You might have issues with ICU libraries (fbintl/ directory) and with
> MSVC8 libraries/manifests on Windows (XP only, I guess). Therefore feel
> free to ask questions here.

Many thanks for the hints and tips.

Best regards,