Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] hostname resolving jaybird
Author Lutz Müller
i googled around a bit, and i think it was this:

i am pretty sure it had something to do with how InetAddress.getByName() works
in java. it doesnt matter if you use a hostname or an ip address.

On Tuesday 19 May 2009 14:55:33 Lutz Müller wrote:
> hmm, i remember i had the exact same problem two or three years ago. sadly
> i cannot remember the exact cause. but i do remember how i went on to solve
> it. its been a while and i cannot reproduce it but i think this is what i
> did:
> i wrote a java program that tried to open a socket to the firebird server i
> tried to connect to.
> program failed to connect , so i knew it was a java problem rather than i
> jaybird problem.
> the i opened my debugger ans stepped through the jdk code.
> then at some point in the jdk code, and this is what i can not recall, it
> was clear to see what the problem was....
> this is a very very vague description, i know. but maybe it helps in
> finding your problem.
> lutz
> On Monday 18 May 2009 16:26:35 Matthias wrote:
> > Helen Borrie schrieb:
> > > >> > In a nutshell: There is name resolving problem, but i've checked
> > >
> > > for me
> > >
> > > >> > known bsd parameters for name resolving; what me wonders on the
> > > >> > same machine ran a java xmpp-client for several days with no
> > > >> > problems.
> > > >>
> > > >> You say that there is name resolving problem - that would mean,
> > > >> that you can connect using the IP address. Is it the case?
> > > >
> > > >No, ip address causes the same error messages - it's more than name
> > > >resolving.
> > >
> > > Are you running Classic? if so, is xinetd running? and is port 3050
> > > opened in the firewall?
> > >
> > > -- with Classic, local connection *will* work without xinetd running,
> > > because it doesn't use a network connection; but a remote connection
> > > won't work (and will give the error you report) if xinetd has not been
> > > started.
> > >
> > > -- with SS, all connections are remote; but you'll still get this error
> > > if port 3050 is blocked.
> >
> > Yes, the bsd server has got a Classic server with inetd and is reachable
> > from every host.
> > But I can't establish a connection neither to the local nor to any other
> > Classic server from this bsd server with jaybird.
> > gbak has no problems.
> > Firewall is open; i checked today name resolving, firewall and inetd
> > settings again...
> >
> > Matthias
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