Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Invalidating Cache
Author Roman Rokytskyy
> I have committed the BlockingStack class to CVS. It works exactly like
> a stack instead of a queue and provides similar blocking functionality
> to the LinkedQueue.

Great! Thanks!

> I also make some other miscellaneous clean-ups and fixed a bug with the
> FBMaintenanceManager.


> I am still investigating the refactored build process with maven. I am
> really new to Maven so it is going to take some time.

This is a long-term perspective, so no problem here.

> Are there any other tasks needed in the short term? I would be happy to
> work on them as I can.

It would be great if you can implement batched calls/updates for
CallableStatement. This would be the last feature for 2.0. I am finishing
unifying properties in JCA/driver manager/pooling code and will take care of
the release notes, JDBC CTS, etc.
