Subject AW: AW: AW: AW: [Firebird-Java] urgend charset problem
Author Steffen Heil

> Bug is confirmed. For now please set non-standard property
"local_encoding" to "ISO-8859-1".

Great. Thanks for your fast and helpful work.

> Until JayBird 1.5.4 is released, it is required that all systems that
obtain connection via connection pool use the workaround described above.

Since that workaround would force us to deploy our modified system at all
our customers and delpoy it right again, when 1.5.4 is out, I will just
redeploy jaybird1.5.1 to our customers, as we had no problems there.
However, I would like to switch to a newer version as soon as possible,
since we suspect that our system sometimes runs into a situation where we
hit the bug not to release resultsets correctly. So we restart our systems
by a cron job every night.

So, can you tell, when 1.5.4 will be ready?


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