Subject urgend charset problem
Author Steffen Heil

I have a database with all "ISO8859_1" encoding. I use servlets to access
these data. That all worked fine until two days ago.
However, since I deployed jaybird 1.5.2/3, I get lots of "?" instead of
german characters.

I use the following to set the connection pool up:

dataSource = new FBWrappingDataSource();
dataSource.setDatabase( file );
dataSource.setUserName( user );
dataSource.setPassword( password );
dataSource.setIdleTimeout( idleTimeout * 60 * 1000 );
dataSource.setPooling( pooling );
dataSource.setMinConnections( minSize );
dataSource.setMaxConnections( maxSize );
dataSource.setLoginTimeout( loginTimeout );
dataSource.setNonStandardProperty( "sql_dialect", Integer.toString(
dialect ) );
dataSource.setEncoding( charset );

Is there something I am missing?

By the way, some of these calls generate deprecated warnings. What are their


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