Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Re: Some really dumb questions from a newbie
Author Herman Timmermans
On Friday 21 February 2003 02:13, "Peter Richards wrote:
> Hi Herman,
> Thanks for your replies.
> --- In, Herman Timmermans
> <timmermans.herman@s...> wrote:
> > On Thursday 20 February 2003 05:35, "Peter Richards wrote:
> > > 3. I have JBuilder and Delphi (no doubt I can use those with
> > > Firebird). When using Java with Firebird, how different is it to using
> > > a JBuilder/Firebird combination ? I _think_ you can compile with
> > > JBuilder (haven't used it much); can you compile Java, so that you
> > > create an executable, or do you always have to run it as 'scripts' ?
> >
> > Java compiles source into byte code (class files) that is then run
> by the
> > JAVA Virtual Machine. However, third party tools exist to compile
> byte code
> > into native machine executable code.....
> Okay, thanks. Does JBuilder only create the byte code (class files)
> and not an executable ? Would any of these third party tools be open
> source, and are they reliable, stable, well known products. I would
> prefer not to have scripts or lots of other files in a (Java)
> deployment, being used to one .EXE deploys with Delphi. Or, maybe that
> just isn't possible with Java.

You do not need a lot of scripts to handle this, a normal Java development
environment lets you put class files in a kind of compressed java archive
(like zip files, i.e. a jar file). You can then execute directly the jar
file withe the follwing command java -jar myjarfile.
Other wise you can use compilers. I've' included some links that might be of
some help to you.

And of course in the Linux open source community you have GNU's Compiler for
Java, please consult the following link :

> > > 6. How 'easy' are ports from other languages to Java ? For example,
> > > I have an application written in BASIC+, which is the language used by
> > > RevSoft's ( product called OpenInsight.
> > >
> > > For example, here is a commonly used FOR loop, with an embedded IF:
> > >
> > > For y = 1 to Period_cnt
> > > If Transaction_Date >= Period_from<1,y> then
> > > If Transaction_Date <= Period_to<1,y> then
> > > Period = y
> > > end
> > > end
> > > Next y
> > >
> > > I guess if no-one else has done such a port, it's difficult to give an
> > > estimate. (There are over 300 different commands in BASIC+ )
> >
> > I would guess this would require a rewrite (re-design?) of your
> application.
> > Of course supports a language like Java all classical constructions
> like:
> > while statements
> > do statements
> > for statement
> > switch statement
> > if/else clause
> > etc ...
> Okay, thanks, so some of the code could be translated/ported, but some
> couldn't. Some would be very tricky, like arrays and data types, etc.
> > > 7. Much on the same topic, what about converting event driven
> > > functions, etc (code behind click, double click, form create, etc).
> > > How well do these translate into Java, for use with a Firebird db ?
> >
> > Using Swing components and programming event listeners to handle the
> events
> > you would be able to achieve this.
> It seems I need to do a beginners course in Java, to even come close
> to estimating how easy or otherwise a port would be. I would like to
> think that I could write code to translate most of it, and take the
> hack work out, as a total re-write would take me 'nn' man years.
> Thanks,
> Peter
I'm afraid you are right.
Best regards, Herman
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