Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] embeded java - a small report
Author Nikolay Ivanchev
Well, I am not ace-high developer, actually I am doing R&D and project
But for me the proper solution for placing embedded dlls is not in system
wide directories, but where the program is installed.
At the begining I placed jaybird.dll in the same directory where launcher
was, and it was still complayning. When i modified java.library.path
it is working perfectly in number of OS-es - win98SE, ME, 2000, XP, 2003
(all our windows test mashines)
The 'freeze' problem dissapeared the next day and all test cases work
properly. I have converted two programs and they work just fine. This is
a 'problem' course I don't like problems that solves themself. But since all
tests run properly even those that require multiple conenctions to one
database I will just cross my fingers and hope for the best.

As for Linux - I will send a mail Monday.

> Hi Nikolay,
> >Actually this is what I done
> >at the begining of the program I added
> > String jlp = System.getProperty("java.library.path");
> > String ud = System.getProperty("user.dir");
> > System.setProperty("java.library.path",jlp+";"+ud+";.");
> >Now it looks in the directory where it is started for .dll's
> The java.library.path will be used when the JVM loads jaybird.dll using
> System.loadLibrary. The thing is though when jaybird.dll tries to load the
> firebird client library or firebird embedded dll(and this in turn loads
> dlls etc) - the value of java.library.path is not longer effective.
> the search criteria is platform dependant. For windows it is defined in
> documenation for the Win32 LoadLibrary method.
> I have been meaning to spend some time looking into issues/options
> here(ideas would be welcome). but have found that the 'easiest'(it works
> doesent seem too bad to me) is to place jaybird.dll and the fbembedded
> directory structure(if using type2 mode simply having fbclient.dll or
> gds32.dll in System32 is good) into the same directory as the 'laucher'
> the application. This 'should' work for you too and it shouldent be
> to do this stuff with the 'java.library.path'.
> When running the JUnit tests(for embedded server) it should be enough to
> extract the fbembedded directory structure into you JDK/bin and maybe
> JRE/bin within the JDK. The build script should then take care of ensuring
> that jaybird.dll is in the right place for the tests too run - and by not
> copying jaybird.dll too JDK/bin orRE/bin in this instance its ensured the
> tests you are running are against the latest native source code in your
> sandbox.
> To run the JUnit tests in type2 it should be enough just too have firebird
> server and client installed on the system without worrying about the
> code. Again the build script should deal with jaybird.dll.
> If this doesent work for you then I would be interested in finding out
> about your set-up to try and figure out why ?
> > When I have a lot of INSERTS it freezes. I will investigate tommorow
> If you could isolate a test case for this it would be very helpfull. I
> been using the embedded server in a number of projects and some of them
> very database intensive - but have not come accross such a problem.
> Interesting ......
> >This weekend I will try to compile it under linux and try to get it
> >there
> >LD_PRELOAD_LIB should do the trick I hope for finindg libs
> Will be intersting to hear how you get on.
> Ryan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nikolay Ivanchev [mailto:nivanchev@...]
> Sent: 29 October 2003 15:33
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Firebird-Java] help on embeded java - still having
problems -
> well solved
> Actually this is what I done
> at the begining of the program I added
> String jlp = System.getProperty("java.library.path");
> String ud = System.getProperty("user.dir");
> System.setProperty("java.library.path",jlp+";"+ud+";.");
> Now it looks in the directory where it is started for .dll's
> They are jaybird.dll and fbembed.dll - and everything works.. almost fine
> When I have a lot of INSERTS it freezes. I will investigate tommorow
> This weekend I will try to compile it under linux and try to get it
> there
> LD_PRELOAD_LIB should do the trick I hope for finindg libs
> > Hi
> >
> > >Actually I was reading the docs - they say rename it to gds32.dll
> >
> > I think this is an 'easy' way to get an application to use the embedded
> > server without having to modify the application. Jaybird will actually
> look
> > for fbembed.dll when you ask it too work in embedded mode. If you ask it
> too
> > work in type 2 mode it will look for fbclient.dll first and failing that
> > gds32.dll.
> >
> > What we can tell from the exception is that it is the call to win32's
> > LoadLibrary function that is failing. This will most likley be due too a
> > failure to find fbembed.dll itself or a failure to load fbembed.dll due
> > one of its dependancies missing. You may want too ensure that
> 'msvcp60.dll'
> > is available to your app(either in System32 or alongside fbembed.dll)
> >
> >
> > >Still I am fighting with logging - may be it will tell me what is the
> > >problem - finding or loading embedded dll.
> > >
> > >How to enable logging
> >
> > I'm afraid I do not know for sure what might be causing this problem - I
> > assume you mean when running the tests via build.xml. When I run these
> tests
> > I get test.log in {jaybird_sourcetree_root}/output/log. Because this
> > works for me I have never been too concerned about it and thus do not
> > what could cause it not to be generated.
> >
> > If running through your own app maybe you need to configure the log4j
> > system. A simple way would be to do
> >
> > BasicConfigurator.configure();
> >
> > This I beleive would then enable logging to the console by default. or
> >
> > PropertyConfigurator.configure(loggingConfigFileName);
> >
> > to load a logging configuartion file.
> >
> >
> > Perhaps somone else might have a better idea regarding this ?
> >
> >
> > Hope this helps
> > Ryan
> >
> >
> >
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