Subject Re[4]: [Firebird-Java] RE: Hmmmm...exception only on solaris.
Author Nickolay Samofatov
Hello, Robert,

> Awesome! We had a tought time trying to make the Solaris build work
> without disabling almost all optimizations.

Those SIGBUS errors on Sparc and PPC architectures were 64-bit
alignment problems. Original codebase was 64-bit safe but some
problems were introduced during Borland days. I think I solved all
problems that affected LP32 64-bit alignment builds. Report please if
you find some more ;)

> But, as I said this was a while ago. We will probably look at it
> again after we ship. Unfortunately, we are looking at shipping soon,
> so we will not be able to go with 1.5 for now. :(

I haven't been using Firebird 1.0.X for more than a year in
development works (my FB 1.5-based systems are used in production
since autumn last year). So I cannot help you much with FB1 problems.

> Fwiw, are these ports in Sorceforge CVS?


> Also, if anyone has any idea on the exception I'm seeing, please let
> me know.

I have no idea, but I'd try to use another Firebird version on
Solaris to make sure this problem is already solved. :)

Nickolay Samofatov mailto:skidder@...