Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] help on embeded java - still having problems
Author Nikolay Ivanchev
Rayan, thanks for the replay.
Actually I was reading the docs - they say rename it to gds32.dll
At the beggining it was begging for jaybird.dll but I added user.dir to
java.library.path system properties and the problem was solved
I copied both dll's into jdk's bin directory
Still I am fighting with logging - may be it will tell me what is the
problem - finding or loading embedded dll.
How to enable logging

> Hi Nikolay,
> >Now I want to rework my code to test fbembeded. I have downloaded embeded
> for windows,
> >but first question is - where to put all dlls? jaybird.dll and those from
> embeded version
> I have found that the easiest place to put jaybird.dll and the embedded
> server dll's(in their directory structure) is in the same directory as the
> 'laucher' which invokes the JVM. For running the tests I place this in my
> JDK/bin directory(the launcher being java.exe or javaw.exe).
> For distribution of my apps I create a bin directory into which I place
> these files along with the native launcher and the JRE goes in a
> of this.
> Perhaps this can be improved to an extent.
> >Anyway, when I try to load the "embedded" using as an
> example
> >I am recieving this exception:
> >og.firebirdsql.ngds.InternalError: FirebirdApiBinding::Initialize - Could
> not find or load the GDS32.DLL
> > at org.firebirdsql.ngds.GDS_Impl.nativeInitilize(Native Method)
> > at
> ava:99)
> >
> >which is nasty.
> This message is missleading - it will say 'Could not find or load the
> GDS32.DLL' even if it was actually trying to load 'fbembed.dll'. I will
> this before the first offical beta.
> If the infomation above regarding the placement of files does not help to
> resolve this problem please let me know.
> Ryan
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