Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Re: Jdbc 2.0 Patches
Author Blas Rodriguez Somoza
Thanks Roman

There is one proposal I want to make before the next beta was delivered, mainly because I have done the work to implement it on
my local CVS copy. I'm now sending the proposal to the list. I think that with this proposal will be easier for an average user to
understand and patch the driver, and doing so help in the development.

Also I want to test the get/set methods before the final version but I don't know how many betas will be delivered. The tests
and patches will take some time and it is better to wait for the beta 3.

Finally I must commit a little document about JDBC support, but I will do it today.

Blas Rodriguez Somoza

----- Original Message -----
From: "rrokytskyy" <rrokytskyy@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 3:01 PM
Subject: [Firebird-Java] Re: Jdbc 2.0 Patches

> Great job, Blas! Thanks a lot and welcome on board!
> David, maybe it is time to prepare new beta?
> Roman
> --- In Firebird-Java@y..., "Blas Rodriguez Somoza" <blas@p...> wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > I have commited a few patches to the repository. Now the
> drivers supports jdbc 2.0 core complete and according to the
> > specification, excluding some of the optional features. The get/set
> methods was not tested, but will be tested in the inmediate
> > future.
> >
> > The features and methods not supported are the following:
> >
> > Not supported features
> >
> > - Scrollable ResultSets
> > - Updatable ResultSets
> > - BatchUpdates
> > - Cursors
> > - Custom type mapping
> > - Ref, Clob and Array data types.
> >
> > The following methods not included in the unsupported features
> are not implemented or don't really work
> >
> > ResulSetMetaData
> > - isReadOnly
> > - isWritable
> > - isDefinitivelyWritable
> >
> > Statement
> > - SetEscapeProcessing
> > - Get/SetMaxFieldSize (implemented but don't work)
> > - Get/SetQueryTimeout (implemented but don't work)
> > - Get/SetFetchSize (implemented but don't work)
> >
> > ResultSet
> > - Get/SetFetchSize (implemented but don't work)
> > - getObject(i,Map)
> > - getDate(i,calendar)
> > - getTime(i,calendar)
> > - getTimestamp(i,calendar)
> >
> > PreparedStatement
> > - setObject(index,object,type,scale)
> > - setDate(i,calendar)
> > - setTime(i,calendar)
> > - setTimestamp(i,calendar)
> >
> > The driver was tested with the internal tests and with
> jDataMaster (a tool not yet released that includes tests for JDBC
> > support).
> >
> > The only test that fails is part of the internal test
> testPoolingConnectionManager. I'm now exploring this issue.
> >
> > Regards
> > Blas Rodriguez Somoza
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