Subject AW: [IB-Java] Interclient firebird commits and new Inrpise 2.0 changes
Author Torsten Welches
Hi Mark,

<<Welcome back>>

Thanks - holidays were just too short, as always ;-)

One thing I found was in the 1.6 release was the samples seem to be a
copy of the ones from 20, and I had to change a few (minor) things to
get them to compile under 1.6.

Yes, they are the same - I left them alone for 1.6, thanks for the fix.
My vote goes for deleting them from 1.6 at all.

I've looked at the interbase 6.0.1 version and all the changes in the
source (as I undertand it the binary is still the same) are a basic cleanup
of the build process ,and otherwise cleanup basically cosmetic, a single
licence line addition in most files, backup copies of the sample
databases. Things we've already covered in Firebird

It is absolutely nonsense to have multiple source trees! Jesus, when will they
finally start to realize that?

CVS access, Im not sure why that didn't work perviously I haven't changed
anything here that I know of, and generally we all have access to it. Oh
well sometimes waiting does help solve a problem.


There is also a new source code drop of interclient 2.0 at borland

more than 5MB for the sources!?
Yes, they should remove the installshield binaries.

The patch file from comparing the original 2.0 source release to the new
source 2.0 release is at:

Did you note that Shaunak is using old development tools for it:
JBuilder 3.0, Delphi2.0(!) ... weird

I don't want to cast anything on the people involved

Of cause you are right. Shaunak was always willing to cooperate.
Yes, obviously it's an Inprise thing.

Yep sounds good point to work on.

Should I just go ahead and delete the unnecessary files/folders or does
sourceforge offer something for archiving?

CVS is easy, checkout, stuff round, checkin, rollback if required ;-)

