Subject Interclient firebird commits and new Inrpise 2.0 changes
Author Mark O'Donohue

Hi Torsten

Welcome back,

One thing I found was in the 1.6 release was the samples seem to be a copy
of the ones from 20, and I had to change a few (minor) things to get them
to compile under 1.6.

I've looked at the interbase 6.0.1 version and all the changes in the
source (as I undertand it the binary is still the same) are a basic cleanup
of the build process ,and otherwise cleanup basically cosmetic, a single
licence line addition in most files, backup copies of the sample
databases. Things we've already covered in Firebird. I understand (from a
posting from Jeff Overcash in mers) this one is tracking though their test
suite at the moment. I'll post a more detailed comparison in
firebuid-devel (which will also come out in mers ib-build.

CVS access, Im not sure why that didn't work perviously I haven't changed
anything here that I know of, and generally we all have access to it. Oh
well sometimes waiting does help solve a problem.

There is also a new source code drop of interclient 2.0 at borland This one doesn't have the CVS
directories in it although there are some notes (by Shaunak) that indicate
they are using one. I don't believe it's the their one at sourceforge,
which when I last checked was empty. I've stuck the notes at the end, but
it indicates that they have picked up the 1.3 changes, in addition to this
additional 2.0 beta release. I presume the 1.3 stuff is still kept
internally at the moment.

* New build notes in root directory unix/nt builds notes, and 2 about cvs
tag usage.

* Three new Exceptions (expired driver) generated doc.

* New binary installshield build (in my opinion not something you really
want in a src CVS)

* Removed Globals.~jav from original dist (obviously a mistaken checkin

* A few of the licences in the original were still ISC now changed to
created by Inprise

* Torsten you made it into release 2.0 already ;-).
> //Torsten-start 08-11-2000
> synchronized public javax.transaction.xa.XAResource getXAResource
() 40a43,45
> //Torsten-end 08-11-2000

This and the other changes made to 1.6 have been made to the 2.0

* Updated build scripts BuiltOnNt now set environment variables now set,
rather than assumed previously.

* The following three files have been changed in CVS to have the propper
upper lower case mixture. They were all lowercase previously.

So overall not too much has changed, Also some of the file names are
suspect (as in the original), like all being lowercase, but the class names
are upper and lower, this can cause problems.

The patch file from comparing the original 2.0 source release to the new
source 2.0 release is at:

In total it's about 127k.

Do you think I should offer to write the release notes for the code drop?



Shaunak's Notes:
If maintained smartly tagfiles can also shed light on the hierarchy of the
branches. In order to achieve this I suggest that we order the tag names
not by dates, but place the tag under which branch or tree it belongs.

eg. of a tag file
This file contains cvs tags used for InterClient.

tag name (branch name) explanation date&time

IC_16000_kit Kit for 1.600 release
Jul 5, 00

InterClient_16000_branch Branch for IC 1.60 development Jul 6, 00
IC_16001_kit Kit for 1.601 release Jul 12,00
IC_16002_kit JDK 1.3 support for old release Aug 15,00

InterClient_2003_branch Kit for beta release 2003 Jul 31,00

Shaunak Mistry
July 13 2000

> <frustration>
> Shaunak or anybody else from Inprise who is monitoring this group:
> What is the problem anyway? This situation is extremly bad for both
> the product and the company that owns the product. Why can't we
> finally find a sensible way of cooperation and start the real work,
> damn?
> </frustration>

Ditto, some chat between us and them would be helpful, I suspect, for both
sides of this fence. I suppose its a corporate thing, I don't want to cast
anything on the people involved, hopefully they'll figure out some of the
openness about opensource is not just about the source.

> So where to go from here?
> The next step would probably be to do more clean-up work on both 1.6
> and 2.0 to get rid of dead freight (delete/archive obfuscatedClasses,
> coffee and crema), deprecated code and known bugs (apply changes to
> 2.0).

Yep sounds good point to work on.

> The hell knows why but I am apparently finally able to read/write to
> the firbird cvs tree so I will do the necessary commits as soon as I
> understand the ins and outs of CVS good enough ;-)

CVS is easy, checkout, stuff round, checkin, rollback if required ;-)

> Mark, be prepared for a couple of stupid questions about it... <g>

No worries, expecting them.

> P.S. I still have no clue what to do about the (missing) test cases.
> Any hope that we get them from Inprise? (are you there, Shaunak?)

We are all hopeful for a few...