Subject Firebird at WebTech 2006 in Bulgaria
Author Miroslav Penchev

There is a conference about Open Source, Web development and Databases at
the end of June in Sofia, Bulgaria. You can see for more info.

I will make a lecture about Firebird and now I make my presentation and
develop the information to present. Almost all of lecture I will present
Firebird current version, to make it more popular here in Bulgaria. I also
plan to include information about FB 2 at the end of lecture - new things,
performance optimization, etc.
My question now is about Firebird 2 release. Is there any clarify about
release date? There was about a month from RC2 release and I remember for
statement that if there is not big problems - that version will become
final. Any information about FB2 release will be helpful.

Miroslav Penchev