Subject IBPhoenix Share Issue
Author Paul Beach
Since IBPhoenix is a UK Ltd company - it has a right to issue shares to potential investors
in the company, I have been contemplating this for quite a while, and wondered if there
would be any interest out there for Firebird users, companies etc that would like
to become shareholders in IBPhoenix? There are a number of reasons for thinking about
1. Is we (IBPhoenix) are constrained in what we do, in that we can only think about
taking on new resources to help with what we do, both for our (direct customers) and
the project as and when we have enough money both now and in the future to be able
to afford it.
2. Unlike a charity - we would be able to pay dividends should the situation warrent it
3. It would be a novel approach to rasing money to allow us (IBPhoenix) to continue
to contribute to the Firebird project in various ways
4. Should anybody at any time wish to buy out IBPhoenix (although for the life of me
I can't think why), then the usual formalities apply.

Comments anyone?

Paul Beach
Main Tel (France):+33 (0) 247 5830 43
Mobile: (UK): +44 (0) 7837 898072