Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Re: MySQL to Fight Oracle With Fire(bird)?
Author Dariusz Zelichowski
That unavoidably leads to a question: would it be possible to get a PR Department? Or at least a newsgroup devoted solely to propaganda, to begin with.

Some people here have some great idea. Some are already implementing them.

Roman Rokytskyy <rrokytskyy@...> wrote:Well, this is called PR-department and we don't have one. We are not a
company, but a true open-source project - group of individuals that
pursue the same goal. This is our strong point and our weakness. So,
since we don't have PR department, we have only one choice to win - by
our quality in software, documentation and support.

So, yes, we need to do some "damage" control, or more correctly
explain our personal positions, because there is no entity that
controls what is being communicated in public - everybody has his own
opinion and expresses it freely.


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