Subject RE: [Firebird-general] Firebird money matters
Author Steve Summers
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Paul Reeves
> Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 05:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Firebird-general] Firebird money matters
> No-one should see advertising the FF in the installer as a panacea. I can
> get through whole years impervious to the demands of others for my money.
> I think a mention in the readme.txt would be more useful. I've also just
> glanced at our docs - fb 1.5.3 rel notes and fb 1.5 qsg could both
> improve on their promotion of the foundation.

I agree, and not just because of the "nag" aspect. I think the people we should be talking to aren't the end-users running
somebody's install script that links to Firebird's. It's the corporations (like mine) that sell products that incorporate
Firebird. We're the ones that benefit from new features in new versions, and from bug fixing, etc. Our end-users aren't ever
going to spontaniously go to the FF site and download a newer version (and we'd want to smack them if they did!)

I think the place to present the case for helping to SPONSOR the project (Let's not use the word "donate") is on the web pages
where you download the installers.