Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Re: Bank of Brazil moving internal systems to Firebird
Author Artur Anjos
>> This is the same idea I got. I think Artur is dreaming.
>> BB continues operating with whatever internal platform they have.
>> They offer the opportunity to exchange data with their installation,
>> the FB database format.

Well, I didn't pretend to mention the main database of the bank. Sorry
about it. :-)
(I think that if [or "when", to keep the dream :-) ] a bank will move
the main system to any Open Source database, it will be highly publicize
even before the move.)

The complete information is this:

"Os sistemas que serão migrados são os empresáriais e de convênios.
Ainda não recebi a listagem completa dos que serão migrados. Por hora,
sei que temos um sistema de crédito rural massificado que está sendo
migrado, mas há outros."

That could be translated like:

"The systems that will be migrated are enterprise and accords. I still
didn't received the complete migration list.For now, I know that we have
a agricultural credit system that is being migrated, but there are
another ones."
