Subject Firebird News sites
Author Helen Borrie
Hello all,

Please would all of you who have news sites or news portals - with or
without web input capability - please contact me giving the URL, the name
of the website owner and 1 to 3 paragraphs explaining just what your site

If it's a non-English site then please send your blurb in the language of
your readership. Plain text only, please.

I want to create an overall portal to all of these sites on the main
Firebird site. With some coordination, it should be possible to reduce the
amount of duplication and improve coverage.

What this is NOT is an opportunity for anyone to use the Firebird site as a
platform for advertising their products or services. Foundation members
have the opportunity to do that (in moderation) although there's been
little interest in it, to date. Probably this is another thing we should
approach more proactively this year (but not this month!).
