Subject Looking for multi-user embeded RDBMS
Author Alexandre Leclerc
Hi everyone,

I did post this question to but have
been told that is was not the appropriate place. Then someone else
sugested me that the general forum or support forum might be the best
place to ask. I want to play safe by asking here.

I'm looking for an integrated RDBMS (in the application executable yet
files shared in a folder) that is milti-user like DataFlex or
HyperFile (Windev) db. A kind of Paradox thing but RDBMS and very
secure. We are talking about a multi-Gigabyte size DB. (I would prefer
a C/S solution, but now I'm looking for such a solution.)

I've read in the features that Firebird has such a possibility but
only single-user.

(The simple way to understand: install the application in a folder on a
server and all the windows clients can execute the exe from the shared
folder. All the db is accessible and workable very easely in
multi-user environment... like 40-80 users with no problems, and

Thank you very much for any help and informations. (Maybe this is
planned in a future release of firebird?)

Alexandre Leclerc