Subject Re: [Firebird-general] FireBird and MONO
Author Mauricio Longo
>>why FireBird is not incluided with mono?, postgree and
>>mysql adapter are incluided in the instalation, that
>>it's not right...
> Anyone can get Firebird and the Firebird .NET provider, free for the
> taking. I'm curious as to what would be achieved by maintaining them as
> part of the Mono installation...
> Helen
Generally, I'd say that it would help to get more people using Firebird
since it would help gain us "mindshare".

The principle is the same as getting into the Linux distributions. Why
should we care about being part of these distributions? Because the other
Open Source databases are and while they are and we're not, it will always
be easier for other open source projects to support them and not us.
