Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Borland is Not Open Sourcing JBuilder....
Author Lester Caine
Helen Borrie wrote:

> At 12:32 PM 1/05/2005 +0200, Pavel wrote:
>> From Borland's community site:
>>Borland is Not Open Sourcing JBuilder....
>>A recent article in has been causing some confusion
>>about Borland's future plans for JBuilder. The reporter clearly
>>misinterpreted comments from our recent earnings call and, with no input
>>from Borland, wrote a story that we had decided to open source JBuilder.
>>To be clear, we are not open sourcing JBuilder. JBuilder will continue
>>to be offered, supported and enhanced as a commercial product.
> .....
> Phew, that's a relief! And here was me thinking Dale had had a brain
> transplant.

Perhaps he is getting worried about the number of people moving TO
Eclipse. I find more and more it is my primary IDE, and Builder just
gets used for form building - if I can't do a quick tweak on the text
file ;)
Running CVS and docs direct from the IDE ...

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services