Subject RE: [Firebird-general] Firebird Slogan
Author Si Carter
Firebird: Preserving your data.
Firebird: Data management, the open source way.
Firebird: Data preservation the firebird way.
Firebird: The resource friendly database.
Data Management the Firebird way!
Firebird: Professional integrity
Firebird: Your data safe in our hands
Firebird: oohhhh yeah baby!
Firebird: Are you thinking what were thinking
Firebird: The creativity centre.
Firebird: Because we care.
Firebird: Think outside of the box!
Firebird: Break Free.
Firebird: Promotional Prospects.
Firebird: grok with us.
Firebird: Do yo know what your missing?
firebird: Made to last.
Firebird: Australians wouln't give a XXXX for anything else!
Firebird: If you can.
Firebird: The Oracle has spoken!

And finally a haiku to Firebird (not a very good one i'll admit)

In the millenuim,
the firebird rose
embrace your data


Si Carter