Subject Re: General Comparision of Firebird versus MS SQL 2000
Author mailmur
> As for admin tools, be sure to try IB Expert Free Personal Edition

Wow, I did not know this tool. Looks very cool. Previously I had used
IBAccess and IB_SQL but they were relative simple and look&feel was a
bit clumsy.

IBExpert indeed goes to the same level (or over) as SQLServer's
EnterpriseManager tool.

I did find one serious problem and it was UNICODE support. I could
connect to databases as UNICODE_FSS charset. My databases (in every
db server) always are unicodes to make international-aware dbapps
work well.

But then none of the Firebird admintools can give me unicode enabled
data editors. IBExpert "Data" tabsheet lists all records in a table,
but then my unicode string looks very interesting in ascii format:
Känkkäränkkä = Känkkäränkkä
Röxör City = Röxör City

But overall, IBExpress is an impressive tool.