Subject General Comparision of Firebird versus MS SQL 2000
Author dlamp24

I am currently looking at Firebird and MS SQL 2000 as a database
choice. We are currently looking at some new ERP software which one
is based on firebird and the other on MS SQL 2000. We develop
internal applications unique to our business that will need to link
(push data and extract data) to the ERP software. We are using .Net
as our developing tool. I really do not have the time to extensively
analyze each database because of other projects. I do have both up
and running. My specific questions other than a genernal comparision

1) Does Firebird have something similiar to DTS of MS SQL 2000?
2) What about Job Scheduling (for instance having a job that ftp's
certain data to the web server every night) ?
3) Connection speed .Net Data Provider?
4) What about using DTS to link between Firebird and MS SQL?

Thanks and any information would be greatly appreciated!