Subject Re: Comments on logo usage - Re: [Firebird-general] Logo work stops...
Author Marius Popa Adrian
It could be nice to have a vectorial logo (flash? svg?) maybe
(I will try to talk with our designer to make a small flash when is free...)
That form of graphics is scaling better...
Also we need to have some animated (or static) gifs with "Powered by FireBird" for sites
using it .

On Wed, 02 Jul 2003 17:09:38 +1000
Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:

> At 08:33 AM 2/07/2003 +0200, Martijn wrote:
> >Helen, others -
> >
> >I like the foundation logo. It's clear, simple and effective.
> >
> >
> > > Myself, I don't especially like the font and colours which Pavel uses on
> > > the Firebird website (and which IBPhoenix reduced, shadowed and offered as
> > > a gloat logo for community use). I think Pavel probably did this one
> > > too. I think he told me that the font came from Corel Draw.
> >
> >Then why don't remove that logo?
> I'm not the webmaster, Pavel is.
> >Why is the logo different if we have an "official" logo?
> It was Pavel's choice to use the brick-red. A lot of people like it, I
> think. It's the same image, he has just coloured it differently.
> >Why is the bird used in the "I'm a Firebird sponsor" image different?
> It is a *little* different, in that it doesn't have the right wing (on the
> left side) detached. That's because I used the new version of the graphic,
> that IBPhoenix had done for us. Though some error, the artist forgot to
> detach the wing. But that vectored graphic scales down a lot better than
> the Markus Soell version does. No other reason.
> Otherwise, it's the same as the (official) Markus Soell one.
> >Wouldn't it be time to set things straight once and for all?
> Some time it should be set straight. Perhaps the Foundation could fund an
> artist to fix up the graphic for us.
> Helen
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