Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Mozilla's *Joy?* Of Naming
Author Lester Caine
>>Do we?
> Yes, Lester, we "Internet users", usually do... will you say we don't?
>>Netscape Navigator is what I am currently using on customer
>>sites for navigating (or browsing) Documentation and the
> I use Internet Explorer and Konqueror, what's the deal?
>>Mozilla Navigator is the name of the CURRENT Mozilla 'browser'
> See? You call it browser too.

The only point I am trying to get across here is to counter
a claim made back in Decemeber by Asa of Mozilla.

> What does a relational database have to do with a web browser. Trademark law says that there has to be customer confusion before you have a problem. The chances of someone confusing a web browser and a relational database are about as slim as someone confusing a loaf of bread and a bananna.

The very first sentance sums up HIS problem. HE never
thought about the fact that there are database browsers. We
do not bother normally to say web or database browser, just
browser. The chances of confusing relational database and
web browser, not a lot. The chances of confusing Firebird
Browser ( for data ) and Firebire Browser ( for web ) ...

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services