Subject W3C wants the Web to be a big [xml?] "database"
Author Marius Popa Adrian
A very strange article about xml "databases",,t269-s2134390,00.html

"The W3C recommends XML for structuring data, and the task of making XML behave more like a relational database falls to the organisation's XML Query working group."

What do they mean by "behave" like a relational database ?
It's relational or NOT,just keep it simple .

"The XML Query working group has been putting together a framework of documents that provide the technical answer to that question, so that XML documents can start to look like parts of one massive database."

The crazyness continue, the documents start looking like a huge "database" .(I may be cynical and say that : they start looking like a huge tree database, or a large document at best). The foundation is very weak indeed .

"The ten drafts address various related W3C projects, including XML Query (XQuery), which establishes how to search XML documents; XML Path Language (XPath), which shows how to label discrete parts of an XML document; and Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT), which allows for the translation of one kind of XML document into another, or into a non-XML document."

Ok XQuery is about query language of the xml (a query language have something to do with databasese , we can accept the ideea..formaly)
but XPath: How to "label" XML documents and XSLT : Stylesheet transformation that allow you translation of one document in another . It make sense
as a database model ? I think NOT , they don't separate the model from presentation so they confuse the things because they don't have NO MODEL
at all !
Let's see...Here come's the model:
"Generally speaking, a data model would dictate that the addition of integers, e.g. "1+2," would yield only another integer, i.e. "3.""

You mean what? . Yes i know that 1+2 makes 3 but this we learned from the Kindergarten , it's not a database model ...

"The W3C advanced the data model to "last call" status, meaning that it considers its basic work to be fundamentally complete and ready for limited implementation and extensive public comment."

Yah we see now is an "advanced model" but where is the "normal model" :) ?