Subject Re: [IBDI] New to Firebird
Author Paul Schmidt
On 17 Apr 2002 at 9:24, paultugwell wrote:

> Just about to swap to Firebird from IB, having used the latter for 5
> years.
> Can anybody give me any guidance on which ODBC driver to use? The
> driver will be used with Crystal Reports 5 (never got round to moving
> up to a later version). Reading the information for the available
> drivers it would seem that the XTG driver has unspecified problems
> with CR and there is little information on the IBPhoenix driver
> regarding problems. Is the IBPhoenix driver still being actively
> developed as the latest version is dated July 2001? (correct me if I'm
> wrong!). The Gemini and Easysoft drivers are both commercial ventures
> and although I am prepared to buy one of these if necessary, we would
> have to bear the cost for our current customers in the first instance,
> so I would prefer not to do this.

The IBPhoenix driver works to a certain degree, if you have cvs available then you
can get the (almost) latest sources, and compile it yourself (providing you have a
C/C++ compiler available), if not I think I have a zip file copy of newer binaries here,
once I get time to find it.

As for Crystal, there are some new features since 5.0, so you might want to upgrade
anyway, just be forewarned, for distribution you want the developer edition. The
IBPhoenix driver still needs work, but it seems to work quite well for me.

> Also, reading the blurb that comes with FB, it mentions that the BDE
> will not necessarily support it. Has anyone any experince with this?
> It is my intention to swap the whole thing to IBO but time may require
> me to deploy the sytem using the BDE in the first instance.

In your position, I would get a copy of IBO, and use the TDataset components, they
are pretty much a "drop in" replacement for BDE, and the setup is much easier on
the client side.


Paul Schmidt, President
Tricat Technologies