Subject Re: [IBDI] commercial tools recommendation?
Author Holger Klemt
> direct manipulation of the system tables versus the use of standard DDL
> commands, this seems to be one possible decisive factor.

The direct manipulation of Systemtables to change domains is
optional in IBExpert and can be activated/deactivated
under Options-Object Editor Options-Domain Editor.

You decide, if you want to use it or not.

So there is no need to say that working with ibexpert is dangerous.
every tool, that open system tables for editing, offers the same
danger to a database.

We always listen to the needs of our customers and we will
improve our product, when needed.

Try out ibexpert Trial Version and compare it to other tools.
You will see a lot of unique features
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- automatic creation procedure/views from any sql command
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and much more

See a list at

IBExpert - The most Expert for InterBase ---
HK Software - Holger Klemt - Huntestrasse 15 - D-26135 Oldenburg
Telefon Telefax +49 700 IBEXPERT (42397378)
Schulungen - Projektunterst�tzung - Delphi - InterBase - AS/400