Subject RE: [IBDI] Re: About IBX and Firebird (and a Jason rant on "free beer" again)
Author Paulo Gaspar

1 - This is NOT an USA-only software forum;

2 - You should get better informed on how Open Source works, which
includes getting aware that Open Source is NOT a sinonym to GPL.
You just have to consider Apache, where there are several
projects sponsored (with commiters paid) by companies like Sun,
IBM, etc. and its resulting software being used in commercial
products from IBM, Sun, Borland, Oracle, etc.

3 - You should get better informed on potitics. CNN and NBC are not
that good at providing you with the full picture you know? I
would advise you to follow the news at these sites:
and even some others at:

(Did you noticed that I included I couple of American

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Wharton [mailto:jwharton@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 1:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBDI] Re: About IBX and Firebird (and a Jason rant on
> "free beer" again)
> > Jason, you should acknowledge that not everybody likes IBO's native
> > model, so IBX & FibPlus will have always a place, the same way
> > drivers and generic packages like Zeos have a place in the same
> showroom.
> I did acknowledge that. I said if you really like and prefer IBX over IBO
> then that is a good reason to fork it and keep it up to date with
> Firebird.
> But to do it just so there is another alternative available is blind
> duplication of efforts which may be more harmful than good to the big
> picture.
> I especially see no point to porting IBX's TDataset implementation to work
> with Firebird since my TDataset implementation is far more complete than
> IBX's is. I'd do a line item chart of it but I've learned the
> people in the
> IBX camp refuse to cooperate in those types of comparisons. They
> just don't
> want the facts plainly known is the problem.
> Anyway, here's just a few points off the top of my head. I trust if my IBX
> understanding is out of date (which I highly doubt) I will be corrected on
> it.
> Refresh method in IBX refreshes the current record only. In order to do a
> real refresh in IBX one has to store aside information from some columns,
> Close the dataset and then Open it and then do a Locate using the
> information stored aside. In IBO you call Refresh and everything is taken
> care of for you. You can even do a refresh while using CachedUpdates with
> IBO.
> Inserting a record into the buffer of IBX forces it to the end rather than
> being a true insert. In IBO you can insert wherever you like into your
> dataset. It also flags the record as being potentially out of
> sort order and
> all operations which rely on a particular sort order take these
> records into
> proper consideration. Both flexible and useful.
> Filter, Filtered, FindFirst, FindNext, FindLast, etc. are simply not
> implemented in IBX. In IBO they are fully implemented and integrated with
> however else you desire to use the query. Input parameters, where clause
> items, whatever. IBO knows how to deliver these aspects and utilizes the
> server where possible instead of just flooding the client with
> fetches. case
> insensitivity is also a snap to integrate into this too.
> SetRange, FindKey, GotoKey, Locate(), etc. is all implemented in IBO as it
> was in TTable (for those fortunate few who actually knew the right way to
> use this component).When supporting Indexes exist all dataset
> operations are
> able to minimize the number of records brought to the server.
> This makes for
> very rapid dataset operations that IBX either can't do or it has to bring
> all the data to the client and then do the operations. Again, IBO's
> implementation of this is in cooperation with all other dataset
> operations.
> I also make it so that this is all possible with TIBOQuery so you get the
> best of both TQuery and TTable made available to each TIBOQuery and
> TIBOTable components. With TIBOQuery there is just a little
> manual config to
> do.
> IBX's bookmarks are a simple arbitrary integer that quickly become invalid
> and are for the most part worthless. With IBO bookmarks are persistent and
> durable. There are untold benefits to having this capability. It was like
> pulling teeth to get it but the benefits are superb.
> I'm sure there are more points as well. Anyway, the architecture
> to support
> all this capability took me just about 5 years to complete and my
> vision of
> it was clear from the beginning. I'd like to see conditions remain so that
> this technology will survive and thrive. Sure 90% of people can wrangle
> around and fiddle until they get a semblance of a smooth operating GUI out
> of IBX's architecture by putting a lot of helper code in their
> applications,
> but take away 90% of my customer base and I would for sure have to fold up
> shop. What would your options be then?
> <rant>
> This whole "free beer" software trend just may teach us a sad lesson, you
> generally get what you pay for. Fortunately, things continue to go quite
> well for IBO and Trustware, but I am determined to apply influence where I
> see necessary to ensure the continued health of my profession and current
> livelihood. I don't settle for anything that is half-baked or
> cheesy and it
> shows. I also don't feel to settle for anything less than a just
> compensation for my efforts that benefit others monetarily. If you have a
> problem with that, it certainly is a problem. Yours, not mine.
> Then again, I could just be a fat pig spoiled American brat who resents
> seeing the rug pulled out from under his party... <g>
> That's why I chose the Trustware concept so privileges would go to all
> regardless of economic standing. I don't want to be a brat. I want to see
> everyone raised to a higher standard of living, not have the
> whole software
> economy and industry cave in on itself. When the day comes that farmers,
> builders, teachers, doctors, distributors and resellers of life's
> essentials
> are willing to provide, by their own free will and choice, my life's
> essential needs (none of this vain opulence crap America is so hung up on)
> then I will be overjoyed to provide benefits to their lives by my own
> talents by my own free will and choice.
> My biggest complaint with current OSI trends like GPL. etc. is the
> infringements on free will and choice in the usage and integration of the
> products. They are designed to ultimately take choice away from people in
> the long haul. This is with regard to the virulent, rather than trusting,
> nature of its clauses. This supposed utopian model will quickly degenerate
> into despotism if it isn't upheld in full cooperation by the free will and
> choice of its recipients. It's kind of like communism. Good ideals but
> enforced rather than willingly espoused and respected. It kills the
> lifeblood of the human soul to force them to be a certain way no
> matter how
> wonderful the ideals being enforced are. I see some sad parallels
> developing
> in the industry and I don't like it. I think it is degrading to
> the inherent
> goodness of the human soul.
> Anyway, enough of my ranting. Perhaps our industry is just a
> little ahead of
> its time and the others will eventually catch up. We'll see.
> Just some food for thought here... I don't necessarily have a conspiracy
> theory about how America's economy is being weakened by the
> radicals trying
> to get every smart little cookie on the planet slaving over "free beer" OS
> project A, B, C and D. But, then again, how many of these big name OSI
> proponents are still in the trenches doing software development? Some I'm
> sure, but I think we should use some caution and keep our eye on the big
> picture. What really is their motivation? I'd like to see America stay a
> strong nation in all respects, including its software industry. (Not
> excusing butt-heads who think opulence almost beyond human imagination is
> their right when people the world over are in great need. I need
> not mention
> any names.)
> I think to a large measure America has done good with its
> position of global
> power and I would not like to see the scene this world would cast
> if America
> were to fall down in the dumps and lose its power. Should it eventually
> crumble the power vacuum would be enormous and very disabling to
> the world,
> I think. What I wish is that the people of America weren't so
> gluttonous...
> Unfortunately the crooks are rising in might and the solid honest in heart
> wo/men who primarily founded and built this nation are being
> swept under the
> rug... "Hurry, hurry off to the casinos... with smiles painted on
> (obviously
> fake)." is now the mainstream ploy it seems. The freeways are
> littered with
> their billboards. Bullcrap, bullcrap, bullcrap! Wake up
> America!!! There is
> no such thing as unearned happiness that lasts.
> This is partly the answer to some of the other threads on this list
> regarding free software and the like...
> </rant>
> Jason Wharton
> CPS - Mesa AZ
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