Subject RE: [IBDI] Re: Re: About IBX and Firebird (and a Jason rant on "free beer" again)
Author Claudio Valderrama C.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dominique Louis [mailto:Dominique@...]
> Sent: MiƩrcoles 17 de Abril de 2002 4:40
> since you have brought the US/Bush political agenda into this forum I
> have no choice but to answer...

Please don't take issue. Through several years I've found (and this is not a
joke) that US citizens tend to forget, when they are addressing public
forums, that several of those forums are filled with people around the
world, not only from the US and when they say "americans", they are thinking
only in US citizens (and with luck, in Canadians) automatically, exluding
unconsciously inhabitants in Central and South America that also have the
right to call themselves americans.

I think Jason didn't want to provoke anyone on such fluffy topic called
international relationships. Maybe you may pretend as if you didn't read his
letter and save yourself a "volcanic eruption".
